Visa Paper

Visa Paper

Our market leading visa papers are relied upon by governments in their battle against ever more skilful and resourceful forgers. We are continuously innovating to ensure that visas cannot be tampered with or counterfeited without detection.

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Tax Stamp Paper

Tax Stamp Paper

We have great experience and a worldwide reputation for manufacturing tax, fiscal and duty stamp paper, for multiple print and application methods.

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Postage Stamp Paper

Postage Stamp Paper

Security printers and postal authorities throughout the world are confident that anyone who tries to counterfeit their stamps will be detected. They rely on TRsecurity stamp paper.

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Ticket and voucher paper

Ticket & Voucher Paper

Primarily designed for tickets and vouchers, coloured centre papers are the perfect choice for security applications where simple and fast verification is essential.

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Security Card

Security Card

Bespoke papers, used in the production of pre-paid phone cards and other scratch cards, such as lottery tickets. These papers have a unique, confidential number which the customer reveals, usually with a coin.

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Bespoke Solutions


Developed, tailored or designed solutions to suit specific needs and requirements. We are highly experienced in meeting security needs and optimising runability for bespoke customer solutions.

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Security Label

Satin & Opaque Face Paper

Satin face paper for self-adhesive labels and point of sale banners. These papers are for price marking guns, thermal transfer, inkjet, laser, litho and flexo printing.

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